Sparkly Spectacular 2024

Sparkly Spectacular 2024

We had an amazing success with our Sparkly Spectacular! With completely sold out tickets, our club was definitely busy! We offered food stalls, including the Club BBQ, bar, Smoke & Ash Pizza, Churros Susanna, popcorn, candy floss and pick & mix. Our...
Sparkly Spectacular

Sparkly Spectacular

We look forward to welcoming you to this year’s fireworks night at the Club. We’ll have food stalls, entertainment, disco, bar, tuck shop and lots of fun for all the family. You can book your tickets on
Spooky Sparkly Spectacular

Spooky Sparkly Spectacular

Just a few reminders if you’re coming to tomorrow’s Spooky Sparkly Spectacular which is now SOLD OUT! A link to your tickets is included in this email. You must show your tickets to gain entry.  To save on paper and printing you can download your ticket...